Additionally, the reported COVID-19 numbers are way too high. Hospitals are pressuring doctors to magnify (i.e. inflate) the number of reported infections, as well as the number of reported deaths, solely because they get anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 EXTRA per patient, if they report it as COVID-19 rather than just the common cold, the flu, or Pneumonia.
So I have little doubt that if not for that financial incentive, the actual COVID-19 numbers would be less than half of what is being reported.
This fact was essentially confirmed by a main stream news media (e.g. USA Today). Read more about hopsitals gaming the system
A big factor as to why I created this site was because Facebook improperly takes down posts for planned protest rallies in Trenton, yet openly promotes other large gatherings which it agrees with. More on that here
And perhaps what is most outrageous to me is the fact that state governors can choose to disregard the orders from a president of the United States (and also choose to ignore federal laws), and force people to forfeit their freedoms and liberties, all under the cover of "a state of emergency". Here in NJ, our governor can keep our state closed indefinitely - for months, years, or even decades, and he does not even need to get approval from any of our state legislators. And he can blatantly disregard any presidential order, as he has unequivocally stated that he would do if the president ordered him to reopen any "non-essential" businesses in NJ. Yet municipalities cannot chose to ignore him. For example, the mayor of Las Vegas cannot override the Nevada governor, even though it is clear that she wants to reopen her city immediately. Here, they have even closed public parks, so none of us can even take a walk in the open outdoors. I understand that recently a guy was surfing out on the ocean, all by himself with nobody else around for miles, and he got arrested for violating state orders. I bet the next thing they`ll be doing is closing down the sidewalks too. And what about the rights of business owners, who are about to lose everything from this forced extended shutdown? Why can`t they choose, along with any of their willing employees and their customers who wants to patronize their establishments, on whether or not they are willing to take the risk? We can keep isolating the most vulnerable portion of our population, and any restaurant or bar patron can certify that he/she will not interact with any vulnerable person for at least 30 days after visiting that restaurant, bar or movie theater. They have infringed upon people`s most basic rights and freedoms, even to the point of prohibiting religious gatherings. We are a nation of freedoms and laws, and no person, including a state`s governor, should be able to make us prisoners indefinitely trapped inside of our own homes.
So those are just some of my thoughts on this issue. Thank you for reading. Please use my form below to share your own opinions on this issue.